Our verse to DATE the Word on March 11 (3/11) is Ruth 3:11 |
Ruth 3:11 says “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.” |
HOW ARE YOU KNOWN AROUND TOWN? As one moves through the beautiful story of Ruth one comes to chapter 3 to find that Ruth is made aware by her mother-in-law Naomi that Boaz is a close relative of Naomi’s deceased husband. Naomi instructs Ruth to inform him and request that he consider being her kinsmen redeemer. Ruth 3:11 is his response to her request and while the response of yes is what is most important to the story, his reasoning is what is most important to this devotion. Boaz tells her that he will do all that is requested of him FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF MY TOWN KNOW THAT YOU ARE A VIRTUOUS WOMAN!” How are you known around town? What is the first thought someone has upon hearing your name or upon seeing your face as you enter a room? How are you known? What is your reputation? What is your TESTIMONY? In the book of Ruth, we could if we had the time, trace how Boaz had noticed the activities of Ruth. I will put just a few highlights. First, Boaz had seen her gathering grain in his fields and had learned that she was not gathering grain just for herself but for her mother-in-law Naomi. He had learned that after Ruth’s husband had died she made the difficult decision to leave her family and country to come to a foreign country with her mother-in-law Naomi, who was also a widow. Boaz had heard of Ruth’s kindness and devotion to Naomi. And not only had Boaz noticed these things about Ruth but others had as well and Ruth had become the talk of the town for all the GOOD she was doing. I return to my earlier questions. How are you KNOWN around your TOWN? How are you “known: at your school? How are you known at your place of employment? How are you known at the Gym? At the Golf course? At church? How are you known in your home? As you read the questions there is the temptation to say that you really don’t care what others think. That would be a mistake. As believers, there are numerous challenges from the Bible to be examples to others. Those who are to be placed in leadership roles in the church are to have a GOOD REPUTATION (Acts 6:3) and a GOOD TESTIMONY. That good testimony is not just for those inside the church they are leading but for those on the OUTSIDE. (1 Tim. 3:7) The reasoning of Boaz for saying yes to Ruth’s request is a serious reminder to each of us just how important daily decisions matter. I heard a preacher say once that our salvation is secure, but our testimony is not. It is very possible to have a life of doing good destroyed by one bad, sinful act. As I recall he challenged us to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4:23) and guard our testimony (1 Timothy 3:7). As a reminder about the importance of a good name notice as we wrap up: Proverbs 22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, Loving favor rather than silver and gold. To those who serve in churches: Titus 2:7 “And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching.” Verse to DATE the Word on March 11 (3/11) is Ruth 3:11. It says “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman.” Let us have a good testimony! Let’s be known for integrity and virtue around town! Continue Strong, And remember to DATE THE WORD |