Our verse to DATE the Word on March 13 (3/13) is 2 Thessalonians 3:13 |
2 Thessalonians 3:13 says, “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” The REMINDER I titled this devotion the REMINDER because a very important truth is being revealed in the Apostle Paul’s ENCOURAGEMENT to not grow weary. The truth that we need to be reminded of is one can grow WEARY in DOING GOOD! Please let that truth sink in. You can become tired, exhausted, and worn out DOING GOOD. While we think the way of the wicked is hard (and it is according to Proverbs 13:15) DOING GOOD can be hard on you. In case you are not convinced, this truth is so important to the Apostle Paul that he stated this to the Galatians as well. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” How should we respond to this reminder? I think we begin by recalling that it was Jesus who told His disciples to come apart and rest. This story is in Mark 6. Jesus sends His disciples out to do ministry and in Mark 6:30 they return with their reports of doing good. In response to their reports, “He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31) The KJV says, “Come ye yourselves apart.” I heard it said many times either come apart or you will come a part. Jesus told His disciples to REST. Periodic rest is needed as we are doing good so we don’t become weary and worn down, worn down to the point of giving up and quitting. Pausing to rest, to relax, may very well be difficult for some of you reading this. Is it for you? I am not sure where I first heard this but a speaker said that he did not believe in taking a vacation. He said the devil never takes a vacation so why should he take a vacation? Then he realized that the devil was not his role model. Jesus is His role model. Jesus took naps and Jesus told His disciples to come away and REST. He then recommended we take vacations! BEING A CANDLE OR BEING AN OIL LAMP, that is the question. As I considered taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and yes, spiritually so that I can be my best at doing good when my best is needed, I changed the analogy of being a candle to that of an oil lamp. Maybe you have heard that we can look at our lives like a candle. Early in my ministry, I would hear speakers talking about the dangers of burning the candle on both ends yet I also heard speakers say they would rather burn out than rust out. It was a great sound bite, but I did not want to burn out. For me, it made more sense to be an oil lamp rather than a candle. Let me quickly tell you about the oil lamp and why I chose the oil lamp over the candle analogy. Because of where I grew up our home had several oil lamps as we are prone to lose our electricity. Early on I was taught how to REFUEL an oil lamp. Did you know that the refueling of an oil lamp meant the oil lamp was not burning? To refill meant blowing out the light and then unscrewing the top so you could pour more lamp oil in. The light had to stop burning for a period of time. By stopping the use of the oil lamp we were able to continue using the oil lamp. On the other hand, you have a candle, and it just keeps burning until there is nothing left. So, picture the Oil Lamp versus the Candle. The oil lamp will “rest” and be refueled and goes back to burning. The candle burns out. Which do you want to be? Verse to DATE the Word on March 13 (3/13) is 2 Thessalonians 3:13. It says, “But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good.” Be proactive to REST so that you might stay strong in the race God has for you. REST!! REFUEL!! Continue Strong coming apart so you don’t come a part. And remember to DATE THE WORD |
Verse to DATE the Word on March 13 (3/13) is 2 Thessalonians 3:13
March 13, 2023

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