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Verse to DATE the Word on May 29 (5/29) is Deuteronomy 5:29

“Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and 
always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them
and with their children forever!”  – Deuteronomy 5:29

God’s PLEA should be our PURPOSE!!! 

What is your heart’s passion?  God makes a plea that we would have a heart that is passionate about having reverence and respect for God. Having reverence and respect for God is what it means to FEAR Him.  God is not looking for us to be AFRAID of Him, but He is looking for us to be in AWE of Him.  Being in AWE should lead to ADORATION and WORSHIP.

Do you fear the Lord?   

Furthermore, God wants us to keep, to OBEY His commandments. Please do not miss the word “ALL” in this verse. We don’t get to pick and choose the commandments we obey. 

Do you keep, obey His commandments? Is your heart prone to keeping ALL His commandments? One should never say they fear God or love God while living in disobedience. Obedience is most certainly connected to fearing the Lord and loving the Lord.  Do you recall that Jesus said, “If you love me KEEP my commandments?”  John 14:15 

Our verse for DATING provides a tremendous reminder that how we live today affects our tomorrow and affects our children’s future!  Obedience opens God’s multiple doors and windows of blessings upon our lives.  

How will you respond to God’s plea? You have read what kind of heart He wants.  Will your heart be turned toward Him with a desire to please Him and carry out His purpose for our lives?

Verse to DATE the Word on May 29 (5/29) is Deuteronomy 5:29. It says, “Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their childrenforever!” 

From Deut. 5:29, Let us answer God’s plea with our reverence and obedience! Let our heart be about God’s heart!!!

Continue Strong with reverence and obedience to God,
And remember to DATE the Word

PS – Worth noting Proverbs 20:7 as it says, “The righteous who walks in his integrity bring blessing upon his children after him!”

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