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Verse to DATE the Word on November 17 (11/17) is Luke 11:17

“But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.” – Luke 11:17

Whether it is a family or an organization or a team or a church, etc. UNITY is essential for success. I believe it was from Dr. John Maxwell that I first heard the concept, “WORKING TOGETHER PRECEDES WINNING TOGETHER.”  For years it has been said TEAM stands for TOGETHER EACH ACCOMPLISHES MORE.  The military tells us there has to be UNITY IN THE UNIT!

From the teaching of Jesus in Luke 11:17, we must learn and understand the DANGER OF DIVISION and DIVISIVENESS for it leads to DESOLATION and DESTRUCTION.   

Without going into a full discipleship lesson on unity it is worth considering one of the root causes of division which is PRIDE.   Notice a few verses:
Proverbs 16:18  Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 13:10  By pride comes nothing but strife, But with the well-advised is wisdom.
As I deal with conflicts I ask the question, “Who is displaying pride?”   Who wants to have it THEIR WAY?  You probably can think of a time that someone brought division to a team because of THEIR pride.  And you probably can think of a time that YOU brought division to a team because of YOUR pride.  

In working to bring about unity there are a couple of quotes I like to use.  Dr. Maxwell taught the 101% rule saying find the 1% you do agree on and give that 100%.  I am not sure if he got this from studying Philippians 4:2.  In Philippians 4:2 Paul implored “Euodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord.”   The 1% was they were both IN THE LORD so they now needed to give 100% to both being in the Lord.  

Friends, we are ALL different and we have differences and we have differences of opinions.  What we must guard against is allowing those differences to divide us to the point we destroy each other.  Growing in maturity means learning to disagree agreeably.  

Verse to DATE the Word on November 17 (11/17) is Luke 11:17.  It says, “But He (JESUS)  knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.”


Continue Strong seeking unity in whatever unit you are in!
And remember to DATE THE WORD!!

BTW – Jesus prayed that Christians would be unified in John 17 praying 3 different times for us to be one.   He only prayed once to raised Lazarus from the dead.   Seems it was easier for Jesus to raise the dead than for us to be unified. 

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