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Verse to DATE the Word on October 14 (10/14) is Proverbs 10:14

Wise people store up knowledge, But the mouth of
the foolish is near destruction.” – Proverbs 10:14
It is BETTER to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it!

One day during math class my 7th-grade math teacher, Mr. Ford, was asked by a fellow classmate why we had to learn math.  I have never forgotten his answer as he said, “It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”   My math-teaching daughter would say, “AMEN!”

I can now look back and say that was one WISE answer.  I do not know if Mr. Ford knew Proverbs 10:14 but when I first read “Wise people store up knowledge,” I thought of his statement.

Drawing from the teaching of Proverbs 10:14 we are reminded that when it comes to learning God’s Word we must read and look to apply it PRESENTLY AND we need to read it and memorize it in order to know it for LATER application.

Keep in mind you are reading God’s Word for TODAY as well as storing it up for TOMORROW.

The foolish do not have this mindset.  They brag of NOT NEEDING TO KNOW and will be caught off guard many times without the resources to handle temptations, which in turn leads to destruction.  

Are you a WISE person who is storing up knowledge today for tomorrow’s use?  
Or do you think more like a FOOLISH person who is constantly questioning WHY DO WE NEED TO LEARN THS?  

Take a quick moment as you ponder Proverbs 10:14 to:
1) Think of a time when a lesson you learned years ago came to mind and you immediately had the answer to a situation.
2) Think of a time when you wished you would have paid more attention to a lesson or a sermon as you find yourself in a situation with no answers.

As you reflect on your answers how wise does Mr. Ford’s answer, “It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it,” come across today?

Verse to DATE the Word on October 14 (10/14) is Proverbs 10:14. It says, “Wise people store up knowledge, But the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.”

Continue Strong “DATING” the Word for today AND tomorrow!
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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