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Verse to DATE the Word on October 2 (10/2) is Luke 10:2

“Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” – Luke 10:2

The Lord gives us a prayer request as the ANSWER to an ASSESSMENT He has made.  From Luke 10:2 we find He assessed two things about the POPULATION of people. His first assessment is there is a GREAT NUMBER – the harvest is great. 

Is the population great? Oct. 2, 2023 the world’s population is nearly 8 Billion. In 1860 it was 1 billion. When I was born in 1960 it was 3 billion. If I live to 77, 2037 it is projected to be at 9 billion. WOW.  9 BILLION.  The harvest is TRULY GREAT!! 

His second assessment is the LABORERS are FEW. Those who are to be reaching the lost are few. This is heartbreaking. 

More people with less soul winners. Friends, we have a problem. 

So Jesus provides the ANSWER to the dismal assessment. The answer is to PRAY!!! We are to PRAY for laborers!!  WE ARE TO PRAY FOR LABORERS.  

Let me be direct with a question regarding your prayer list.  If I were to look at your prayer list will I find this prayer request that Jesus asked you to pray on it?  Would I find that you daily are praying for God to raise up laborers to go into the field? 

There is no question the harvest is great as we have nearly 8 billion people to reach! There is no doubt the laborers are fewer.  The ANSWER starts with PRAYING to the Lord for laborers!! (And be ready because you might be the answer to your own prayer!!)

Verse to DATE the Word on October 2 (10/2) is Luke 10:2.  It says, “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

We are to be praying for laborers ON the field and praying for more laborers to GO to the field. 

Continue Strong PRAYING for laborers for the great harvest.
And remember to DATE THE WORD

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