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Verse to DATE the Word on October 8 (10/8) is Proverbs 10:8

“A wise heart receives (accepts) commands, but 
foolish lips will be destroyed.” – Proverbs 10:8

As one reads God’s Word you have decisions to make regarding what you will do with it.  Reading, as well as learning God’s Word is not enough.  You can check off that you read 1 chapter from Proverbs, 5 chapters from Psalms, 3 chapters from the Old Testament, and/or 1 chapter from the New Testament today but still be no different. You can study and learn incredible amounts of information about God’s Word yet not be impacted one bit.  You have to decide as you read and learn whether to RECEIVE or REJECT what God has said.  The wise person will ACQUIRE Biblical wisdom and the wise person will ACCEPT that wisdom and then the wise person will APPLY the wisdom. The wise person is not just a hearer (reader/learner) but a doer of the Word. 

However, as you read and learn God’s word you can be a foolish person.  The foolish person does NOT ACCEPT what God has to say.  The foolish person is a know-it-all and will begin to ARGUE with God.  They REJECT to the level of REFUSING to obey God’s commands.  

Decisions have consequences.   You make your choices and then your choices make you.  To argue and reject what God’s commandments say is to bring destruction into your life as sin destroys over time.  

You might easily be connecting the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus to this verse as Jesus speaks of the wise man hearing and doing and the foolish man only hearing. The wise man’s life is compared to a solid home that withstands storms while the foolish man’s life is like a house on sifting sands and will crumble.  

Getting personal: Are you acquiring God’s wisdom, accepting God’s wisdom, and applying God’s wisdom to daily living? 

Verse to DATE the Word on October 8 (10/8) is Proverbs 10:8.  It says, “A wise heart receives (accepts) commands, but foolish lips will be destroyed.”

Be WISE and MAKE THE DECISION to RECEIVE God’s Commands. Don’t be a fool and REJECT God’s commands. 

Continue Strong APPLYING God’s Wisdom to your life!
And remember to DATE THE WORD!

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