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Verse to DATE the Word on September 18 (9/18) is Ecclesiastes 9:18

“Wisdom is better than weapons of war; But one
sinner destroys much good.” – Ecclesiastes 9:18
Reading through Ecclesiastes one will read a number of verses that are called contrastive verses.  They are easily recognizable as they will have the words “better than” or “but.”  Here we have a contrastive verse that has both “better than” and “but.”  Ecclesiastes 9:18 is one of those verses that demand we pause to ponder and let the verse challenge our thinking about how we live.

Pause then to ponder that WISDOM is BETTER THAN WEAPONS OF WAR.  

Can you picture the contrast?

Wisdom here means to have skills, and, in this case, it would be skills of diplomacy as well as skills of preparation.  Diplomacy seeks to resolve issues rather than allowing for the issue to divide and dissolve which could then lead to massive destruction and death.  Wisdom also brings to the table the skills to prepare so that one is protected.  The concept of PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH comes to mind.  

WEAPONS OF WAR.  Can you picture them?  While there is a time for war (Eccl. 3:8) one must know how horrific the weapons of war will be.  Diplomacy and defense are BETTER THAN the destructiveness of war.

BUT.  There is another contrast in this verse that tells us that even as wisdom is sought so that wars are not started ONE, yes, just ONE sinner can destroy much good.   What a warning.  This warning is not just for a nation or nations but for a couple or a family or a church or any organization.  ONE sinner bent on having their own way brings about destruction.  Arrogance, pride, and ego contaminate the good work others are seeking to do!  

Practical application: Wisdom says SEEK TO RESOLVE and be very SLOW to DISSOLVE

To those who lead, be it family, church, businesses, government, etc. you must be on guard for the ONE who can poison the good work!  Recall the story of Achan in Joshua 6 and 7.  

And for a non-biblical illustration recall the story of Archimedes, the greatest mathematician who did so much good for Syracuse and the world yet was killed in an instant by an angry soldier.  

Our verse to DATE the Word on September 18 (9/18) is Ecclesiastes 9:18. It says, “Wisdom is better than weapons of war; But one sinner destroys much good.”

Continue Strong seeking to resolve relationships, not dissolve them.  
And remember to DATE THE WORD!

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