“Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day, to lead them on the road; Nor the pillar of fire by night, to show them light, And the way they should go.” – Nehemiah 9:19 |
I WILL SING OF YOUR MANIFOLD MERCIES In my humble opinion, God’s greatest promise is His promise of His continual presence with us as He has stated over and over that He will never forsake us. That means even when we resist His guidance, He stays with us. We see with the Israelites that instead of walking away from them, He continued to walk and work with them. Though they were committing awful blasphemies (Nehemiah 9:18) God never deserted His people. We might ask what brought Him to do this level of commitment to those who were not fully committed to Him. Nehemiah 9:19 tells us it was His manifold MERCIES. I don’t know about you, but the word MANIFOLD grabs my attention as much as mercy does. It was not just His mercy but His MANIFOLD MERCIES. What a word to describe God’s mercies – they are MANIFOLD! To be manifold is to say there was abundant mercy. To say manifold is to say it exceeded the amount needed. To say manifold is to say it was a GREAT mercy and a great mercy was needed because great sins were being committed. His MANIFOLD MERCIES kept God from giving them what they deserved and being gracious, He continued to walk and work with them as their guide LEADING them! Quick thoughts of God’s mercy; From Nehemiah 9:19 we are told about there being manifold mercies. Ephesians 2:4 tells us that God is RICH in mercy. Psalm 119:156 proclaims “Great are Your tender mercies.” 1 Peter 1:3 tells of His abundant mercy! Psalm 23:6 tells us that “surely goodness and MERCY follows us all the day long.” In several places in the Psalms David wrote that he would sing, especially singing of God’s mercy. Ps 59:16 But I will sing of Your power; Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; For You have been my defense And refuge in the day of my trouble. Ps 89:1 I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever; With my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations. Ps 101:1 A Psalm of David. I will sing of mercy and justice; To You, O LORD, I will sing praises. May we like David sing of His mercy to us that is renewed day by day for as Lamentation 3:22 says, “Through the LORD’S mercies we are not consumed,” Verse to DATE the Word on September 19 (9/19) is Nehemiah 9:19. It says, “Yet in Your manifold mercies You did not forsake them in the wilderness. The pillar of the cloud did not depart from them by day, To lead them on the road; Nor the pillar of fire by night, To show them light, And the way they should go.” Continue Strong with gratitude and singing praises for God’s mercy! And remember to DATE the WORD! |