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Verse to DATE the Word on September 30 (9/30) is 1 Chronicles 9:30

“And some of the sons of the priests made
the ointment of the spices.” – 1 Chronicles 9:30

There are a few books of the Bible and some chapters of the Bible that are, shall we say, challenging to read.  We come to Leviticus, and we see all these guidelines with many of them for the priest and the Levites who will be serving in the Tabernacle and we skip over to Numbers.  In Numbers, we see a lot of Numbers and we are ready to move on.  We come to 1 Chronicles and find one list after another with many names that we can’t pronounce, and we are ready to move to another book.  We come to Nehemiah 3 and it is one long list that tells of the people who are working on the rebuilding of the wall and where they are working but because it is so long we are prone to skip over to chapter 4.  Yes, some books and some chapters are difficult to read.  HOWEVER, those chapters and books are inspired by God and are in our Bible for various reasons.  And they deserve to be read and examined for there are nuggets of wisdom and truth to be discovered.  

1 Chronicles 9:30 does not say much but what it says brings home the importance that every job is essential.  Our verse tells us some of the sons of the priest made the ointment of the spices.  Interestingly it did not say the priest did this.  It says the sons and the idea here is their younger sons were doing this.   

In the Bible, we have a verse that tells of ointment being made from the spies they had.  What does it say to you that the Holy Spirit thought it was important to put in this detail?  

For me, it is a reminder that so much of the work that is done in a church is done behind the scenes and that the behind-the-scenes work and workers can be unappreciated. The fact that the Holy Spirit put this small detail in the Word of God tells me that every task is a valuable task.  This ointment was to be used in the holy anointing oil as instructed in Exodus 30:23-25.  While we might see it as a small detail, it was a vital detail.  Someone had to take various spices and make an ointment that would be used for the holy anointing oil.  And 1 Chronicles 9:30 tells us this detail was accomplished. 

Pause to think about behind-the-scenes work that makes your church work.  Maybe you are one of those workers who show up early and/or stay late to make sure a church service runs smoothly.  May I say THANK you for your behind-the-scenes faithfulness?  It takes a team.  And you are vitally important.  Just as the sons of the priest were vital to making ointment from spices for the holy anointing oil.  

Our verse to DATE the Word on September 30 (9/30) is 1 Chronicles 9:30. 1 Chronicles 9:30 says, “And some of the sons of the priests made the ointment of the spices.”

It takes all of us for the work of the ministry to work.

Continue Strong valuing the entire team,
And remember to DATE the Word

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