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Vital Help for Life

Proverbs 1:4 “To give prudence to the simple, To the young man knowledge and discretion.”

The book of Proverbs opens immediately with reasons why one would want to read what it has to offer.  Proverbs 1:2-4 tells the reader the reason for proverbs. I like to read from The Message occasionally and it translates Proverbs 1:2-4 as such: “(2) So we’ll know how to live well and right and to understand what life means and (3) that it is a manual for living, for learning what’s right and just and fair; 4 To teach the inexperienced the ropes and give our young people a grasp on reality.”

In other words, there is help available to those who have no experience in living life.  This is great news for a person regarded as simple or naive.  To be simple or naive is to be open-minded rather than sound-minded.  The open-minded is open to trying anything as they have not realized that not everything is good.  They don’t realize that choices have consequences.  Thus Proverbs will provide and teach the naive person that there are consequences to choices.  In gaining this understanding, the simple becomes prudent.  The reason you read and study Proverbs is to become prudent with your decision.  I like to define prudent or prudence as carefully considering the consequences of a choice.  Instead of being open-minded to every opportunity one carefully thinks about the consequences before making a decision.   The ultimate help of being prudent is one will carefully consider the consequences of any temptations that are presented to them.  

The opening verses are, secondly, great news for the young person who, just by being young, is inexperienced.  The inexperienced do not know what is harmful.  They have no track record of being there and done that.  The purpose, then, behind proverbs is to provide the inexperienced with knowledge of what will happen as the one teaching proverbs has been there and done it.  More than having a T-shirt they have experience. They have touched the hot stove and they know it burns.  Now the one who has never touched a hot stove does not have to touch the hot stove and get burned but can learn from another who has been there and knows firsthand the consequences.  

A person can and should learn from their mistakes but a wise person is going to learn from someone else’s mistake!

The opening verses of Proverbs are like an advertisement and sprinkled throughout the 31 chapters; it will over and over unashamedly advertise its value and help you because God knows you don’t know what you need to know.  God knows that there is a way that seems right to man, but in the end, there is death (Proverbs 14:12 and Proverbs 16:25).  For a person to have life one needs wisdom.  For one to avoid the horrible traps of the world one needs prudence, knowledge, and discretion.  

To get what you need for life action needs to be taken.  Wisdom is available. It cries out to you, appealing to you to acquire her.  The suggested action I heard when I was young was to read one chapter a day from the book of Proverbs, reading the chapter that matched the date of the month.  Today is January 4 so you read Proverbs 4.  It is that simple.  

To avoid the pitfall answer the appeal of wisdom by acquiring wisdom and applying it to your life. Vital help for your life is available in the book of Proverbs.

Continue Strong being prudent, knowledgeable, and discerning,
And remember to DATE the Word

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