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What Are You Striving After

Luke 12:29 “Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious.”

In the battle for WHO and WHAT will be FIRST in our lives Jesus recognized that the most basic needs of life can not only distract one from seeking first the kingdom of God but can truly drown out a person’s spiritual life.  So before giving the call to make His top priority our top priority, He addresses the internal conflicts we will have.  He says, “Don’t keep STRIVING” – being PREOCCUPIED – with the essentials of life like food and drink. 

I don’t know about you, but I immediately bristle up and shout, “Really?”  To not strive to make sure I have the ESSENTIALS of food, water, and clothing challenges our basic human instincts. We must have food to eat and water to drink in order to survive. Yet Jesus tells us NOT TO BE ANXIOUS – NOT TO WORRY – NOT TO KEEP STRIVING for these things.  

To be truthful this seems so unrealistic. This so goes against our human nature as it is our human nature to be concerned, yes worry, about ourselves. 

Knowing His challenge is challenging, His teaching continues in verse 30. “For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things, and your Father knows that you need them.” (Jesus may be stepping on someone’s toes here.) The Gentiles are those who don’t know God. They live worried, and anxious, and preoccupied with daily life. It is about self-preservation for them.  It is about survival. They eagerly seek these things to survive. 

On the other hand, Jesus reminds us that we have a Heavenly Father who knows exactly what we need. Hmmm. What is He teaching? He is teaching us to not forget who our Father is! 

So, with the challenge to not do something essential but temporal comes the challenge of what to do which will be eternal. Luke 12:31 says. “But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you.” 

What then will be your 2025 priorities? Survival of self or Service to the Savior? 

Continue Strong with Jesus FIRST,
And Remember to Date the Word 

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