Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”
A summarization of Proverbs 11:14 would be that the best advice wisdom can give is to get the best advice! I am a believer that each person should have a personal “board of directors” to go to for advice. This group will be those who have your best interest in mind! You can ask questions of them, and they can ask questions of you. Godly counselors can help prevent you from making a bad decision and provide insights for making the best decision. They can help you move from making a good decision to making a great decision!
Please be sure to heed the warning of this verse. It warns us, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall.” I know it is hard to hear but you really are not smart enough to figure out life’s decisions by yourself, especially the big ones. Trusting your own thinking brings only what you know to the table. Having a multitude of counselors allows for much more to be brought to the table as each one has past experiences to draw on!
So, do you have a “multitude of counselors?” Have you established a “board of directors?” If not, heed the advice of Proverbs 11:14 and create this personal board. Cultivate relationships with a few godly, wise men and women that you can invite into your life so that when decisions come you can say, “What Do You Think?”
Wisdom says the best advice is to get the best advice! Listen to the advice to get advice.
Continue Strong with a strong personal board of directors!
And remember to DATE The Word